iX500 cannot be connected.

Possible causes are:
  1. The mobile device is not connected to a wireless LAN.
  2. iX500 is not connected to a wireless LAN. (The Wi-Fi indicator on iX500 is lit in color other than blue.)
  3. Communication between wireless devices is disabled. (Or, it is restricted by an option such as privacy separator.)
  4. ScanSnap Connect Application on another mobile device has already been connected to iX500.
  5. ScanSnap Wireless Setup Tool is running.
  6. Scanning is performed from the computer which has been connected to iX500.
Perform the following.
  1. Check the wireless LAN setting on the mobile device, and connect the mobile device to the wireless LAN in a network where iX500 is connected.
  2. Confirm that the Wi-Fi indicator on iX500 is lit in blue. Otherwise, perform the following:
    • Turn on the Wi-Fi switch on iX500.
    • Turn iX500 back on.
    • Turn the wireless access point back on.
    • Use the ScanSnap Wireless Setup Tool to confirm or diagnose the connection status of iX500 to a wireless LAN.
  3. Change the setting on the wireless access point to allow communication between wireless devices.
    For the setting on the wireless access point, refer to the manual of the wireless access point that you are using.
  4. Exit ScanSnap Connect Application in the connected mobile device.
  5. Exit ScanSnap Wireless Setup Tool and then try again.
  6. Finish the scan and then try again.