The computer cannot be connected.

Possible causes are:
  1. Scan to Mobile in the computer is not running.
  2. Scan to Mobile in the computer is not ready to be connected.
  3. The mobile device is not connected to wireless LAN.
  4. The port number is not configured correctly.
  5. Communication between wireless devices is disabled (e.g. privacy separator).
Perform the following.
  1. Start up Scan to Mobile in the following procedure.

    For Windows
    1. Select [Start] menu [All Programs] [ScanSnap Manager] [Scan to Mobile].
      Scan to Mobile is started, and the Scan to Mobile icon appears on the taskbar.

    For Mac OS
    1. From the sidebar in Finder, select [Applications] [ScanSnap], and then double-click [Scan to Mobile].
      Scan to Mobile is started, and the Scan to Mobile icon appears on the taskbar.

  2. To allow connection with Scan to Mobile in the computer, check the following:

    When another mobile device is already connected
    When the status of Scan to Mobile in the computer is [Rejected]
  3. Check the wireless LAN network settings, and make sure to connect to the same network as the computer.
  4. Check the port numbers of the computer and the mobile device, and make sure to specify a port number that is not being used.

    Port number (computer)
    1. Check the port number specified in the [Scan to Mobile - Basic] window of Scan to Mobile in the computer.
    2. If the port number is already being used, change the port number.
      • Make sure to specify the same port number for the computer and the mobile device.
      • The port number can range from 49152 to 65535.

    Port number (mobile device)
    1. Tap the [Settings] app in the mobile device.
    2. Tap [ScanSnap] from the app.
      A screen for setting the ScanSnap Connect Application preferences appears.
    3. Check the port number specified for [Port] in [Connection].
    4. If a different port number from the computer is set, change the port number to make it match.

    Port number for receiving files
    1. Tap the [Settings] app in the mobile device.
    2. Tap [ScanSnap] from the app.
      A screen for setting the ScanSnap Connect Application preferences appears.
    3. Check the port number specified for [Port] in [Reception].
    4. If the port number is already being used, change the port number.
      • The port number can range from 49152 to 65535.
  5. Change the setting on the wireless access point to allow communication between wireless devices.
    For the setting on the wireless access point, refer to the manual of the wireless access point that you are using.